4 Amigos Cook the Part in Cabo: Ginger and Jack Graham share their experience

2017-07-03T21:23:23+00:00January 23rd, 2011|Dinner, Entree, Team Cooking|

The Tuscan Farmhouse Dinner in Cook the Part includes simple foods made with fresh ingredients.  Team cooking works especially well when you are vacationing with friends.  Ginger and Jack share their experience and how they improvised when ingredients [...]

The Revival of Schnitzel: Great Schnitzel at the High West Distillery and Saloon

2011-01-20T21:17:36+00:00January 20th, 2011|Menus and Memories, Restaurant Reviews|

I grew up eating Schnitzel, pork, chicken or veal.  Then Schnitzel faded from my memory.  I recently started to spot it on menus once again, twice in Park City over the last month.  My son, Eric, told me [...]


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