A Cooking Collaboration: Biotech Women Recreate Authentic Tastes of Indonesia

2011-04-30T17:31:53+00:00April 30th, 2011|Menus and Memories, Recipes, Team Cooking|

[gpslideshow post_id=""] Cooking is a great way to connect with your colleagues.  A group of biotech women recently gathered at the home of Susan Dube' to prepare tasty dishes that transported us to Indonesia. Indonesian cuisine is as diverse as [...]

What’s for Dinner when Dining at the Home of a Food Critic?

2011-04-25T18:47:50+00:00April 25th, 2011|Menus and Memories, Recipes|

We had the very special honor last week of being invited to dine at the home of a new friend, Maureen Clancy, who has over 25 years experience as a Food Editor, Food Columnist and Restaurant Critic for the San [...]

Making Real Dough at Home: Handmade Pasta Chapter of Cook the Part

2017-07-03T21:10:11+00:00April 7th, 2011|Menus and Memories, Recipes, Team Cooking|

Most people don't tackle handmade pasta at home on their own.  It seems somewhat daunting.  But when you consider tackling this with friends, this suddenly seems like a  fun, easy task.  That's the power of teamwork... Team cooking takes people [...]


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