Venture Into a New Teambuilding Experience with “Cook the Part”

2013-09-20T18:03:38+00:00September 20th, 2013|Menus and Memories, Team Cooking|

Killu Sanborn Organizes VC Cooking Event By Killu Sanborn Now this is the way to have a business dinner! The night before BIOCOM VC Day in San Diego, we got a handful of life science investors from San [...]

Creating Great Family Chemistry: Fun with Jesse and Molecular Gastronomy

2013-04-03T14:29:43+00:00April 3rd, 2013|Cooking Tips, Menus and Memories, Team Cooking|

By Bryna Kranzler Maybe this isn't how you have fun with your kids, but it is how I do.Last summer, when Jesse was home for a visit, we had a free day together so I broke out a molecular gastronomy [...]

Secrets of the CIA: Team Cooking by AIWF Members from Across the Country

2012-01-24T19:11:44+00:00January 24th, 2012|Menus and Memories, Recipes, Team Cooking|

The American Institute of Wine and Food celebrated Napa last weekend and honored Margrit Mondavi at the gala dinner on Friday evening. Margrit was one of the original founders of AIWF with her husband, Robert Mondavi, and Julia Child.   Five [...]

A Cooking Collaboration: Biotech Women Recreate Authentic Tastes of Indonesia

2011-04-30T17:31:53+00:00April 30th, 2011|Menus and Memories, Recipes, Team Cooking|

[gpslideshow post_id=""] Cooking is a great way to connect with your colleagues.  A group of biotech women recently gathered at the home of Susan Dube' to prepare tasty dishes that transported us to Indonesia. Indonesian cuisine is as diverse as [...]

Building a Great Paella: A Photo Recipe

2011-03-20T11:00:59+00:00March 20th, 2011|Cooking Tips, Menus and Memories, Team Cooking|

[gpslideshow] Last night a group of friends gathered to cook authentic Spanish Paella.  In fact, Barbara even hand-carried the rice from Spain last week.  Two teams worked together to create this one dish meal.  The guys tackled the grilling: chicken, [...]


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