Cook the Part: Handmade Pasta with Homemade Sauces

2010-10-15T14:02:35+00:00October 15th, 2010|Cooking Tips, Menus and Memories, Team Cooking|

Last night we tested the latest chapter of Cook the Part.  Ten professional women demonstrated that cooking is not a lost art.  We made cheese and Sausage/veal ravioli with two sauces, pesto and marinara fresca.  The main course was accompanied [...]

What’s so special about cooking with friends and family?

2010-09-08T14:36:55+00:00September 8th, 2010|Menus and Memories, Team Cooking|

Team cooking is a blast! It's fun and a great way to entertain. You can achieve so much more than a single cook can accomplish. It takes the stress out of hosting dinner parties. Prepare great meals at [...]


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